17/04/2024 às 14:12 Healthcare

How to Manage Diabetes to Prevent Chronic Kidney Failure

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Patients with kidney failure, represented by end-stage renal disease, are more prevalent among the status of diabetics. The blood vessels of the kidneys may be destroyed by the constant high blood sugar level that diabetes can result in, over a period of time. These damages in the kidneys can affect their functioning causing a buildup of wastes that might be lethal. Closely following diabetes and precisely its management is the key to avoid or at least postpone the development of kidney failure.

What are the first signs of kidney damage from diabetes?

Here are 5 early signs to keep a watchful eye on:

  1. The occurrence of a condition during which a person usually has a need to urinate at night and that can disturb their sleep is a key issue.

  2. Characteristic edema of the ankles and feet, which gives the evidence that kidneys are unable to cope with the management of the water balance.
  3. Constant unusual tiredness which does not stop with rest and tells us about the important job of the body - elimination of the toxins.

  4. Facing challenges with focused attention and mental processes that might have a relation with accumulated waste products, which can possibly disturb the brain function through impaired blood flow.
  5. Kidney disease experience usually includes the presence of high blood pressure and the proportion of salt and water between the body is mismanaged.

6 ways to prevent kidney damage from diabetes

The regulation of blood sugar levels by means of the proper treatment of diabetes helps preserve healthy microvascular structures intact in the kidneys. Keeping diabetes under control helps prevent the extra strain on the kidneys' function, therefore having a longer and more stable operation overall.Here are some ways:

1. Keep a desirable blood sugar level

Keeping blood glucose levels witin a target range is a critical thing to govern the ultimate complications of diabetes, and includes the kidney's damage. Time-to-time-mentioned monitoring and taking medicines according to the doctor’s prescription may help in maintaining the healthy level.

2. Monitor Blood Pressure

Poor kidney can inflict more damage due to excess blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure is very important for people with diabetes, as it can prevent the kidney from now and then-sickness and also has an effect on other complications.

3. Healthy Eating

The diet with low sodium, processed foods and sugars can help the easier management of diabetes. Involving fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins in your diet could provide great help.

4. Dietary Supplements extensively used

The dietary supplements also include Oral Albumin powder 200gm, which is a good extra. Albumen is the first step of tissue building as it is a protein made in the liver. Like that, albumin is demonstrated in the newly formed tissue or during tissue recovery. It plays a part in man's body that assists in protein management which is one of the most important issues of the body affected by the kidneys' dysfunction.

5. Avoid NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, which are widely used painkillers that include medicines such as ibuprofen and naproxen, is an example. Amongst these medications tend to be those providing pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects; however, when taken regularly or in high amounts affect the kidney functions negatively. 

The risk is of serious concern in patients with existing kidney problems, as well as the others who have a high likelihood of kidney problems due to diseases such as diabetes. The diabetic patients need to consult their healthcare provider to determine which medications do not affect the kidney if at all the use of painkillers is unavoidable.

6. Regular Medical Checkups

Patients with diabetes should regularly undergo medical check-ups and monitoring in which insulin levels and blood sugar are strictly emphasized. These revisions should contain diagnostics for blood sugar levels and kidney function as well. 

Sets of diagnostic methods including urine albumin testing and GFR assessment are nowadays used to detect initial manifestations of kidney issues. Rearly diagnosis is done to give enough time for timely intervention as the possibility of changing the medications, modifying the diet or even changing treatment methods in order to prevent the progression of renal failure into chronic kidney disease.

How does oral albumin help kidney function?

Albumin, the protein the liver produces, has a tremendous capacity to help the body maintain water, and this by preventing blood from being drained out of blood vessels. Additionally, it is also an important vehicle in bringing hormones, vitamins, and other stuff to different parts of the body. For patients with diabetes, the fact remains that keeping blood albumin levels close to normal is one of the most important things to do because it supports their kidneys metabolism, which is crucial for them not to get into trouble aside from many other serious complications.

When kidneys are healthy and functioning, they are able to do away with waste and excess water from the blood which is, in turn, discharged through urine. To sum up, in the case of diabetics, besides the consequence of high blood glucose levels in impairing the filtration abilities of kidneys, a condition called diabetic nephropathy is likely to develop. There is a correlation in this condition over the long-term that may lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD) or even worse, end-stage renal disease.

Dietary changes that reduce the risk of kidney failure in diabetic patients

Some essential things to keep in mind are as follows:

  • Moderate Protein Intake: Alter protein intake to decrease the workload of the kidney, avoid possible damaging of the kidney due to the overwhelming workload it has to deal with.
  • Reduce Salt Intake: Sodium reduced in the diet results in control of blood pressure restricting the risk of renal disease development. Hence, this is of high importance to kidney health.
  • Carbohydrate Management: Be conservative as far as carbohydrates intake is concerned, to have steady blood sugar level, increase the chances of avoiding kidney damage.
  • Limit Potassium and Phosphorus: Do not take much potassium and phosphorus in order to avoid further stress on the kidneys and that they might be functional without failure.

17 Abr 2024

How to Manage Diabetes to Prevent Chronic Kidney Failure

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kidney kidney disease kidney failure kidney health mrmed mrmed pharmacy

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